Palm oasis

An Analytical Toolbox for Ecoregional Conservation

Download SPEXAN and Docs

Link to project overview
View slideshow of example
Link to TNC Homepage
Link to UCSB Biogeography Lab
UCSB Biogeography Lab
Principal Investigator:
Dr. Frank Davis

Dr. Sandy Andelman
Dr. David Stoms



Although SPEXAN 3.1 software and demonstration data have been operated successfully on computer systems at UCSB and tested by staff of The Nature Conservancy on other equipment as well, no warranty of SPEXAN 3.1, or earlier SPEXAN versions, is expressed or implied.

The software, data, and related materials contained therein are provided "AS IS", without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular task.  The sample data are provided for tutorial purposes only and should not be relied upon for any purpose.

Downloading Instructions

Right-click on this link to download a zip file (8.8 megabytes, not currently available as of 11/24/99) of the toolbox software, manual, and a worked example.

System Requirements

  • A personal computer with at least an 80386 (386) or higher compatible microprocessor and a hard disk 
  • At least 8 Mb of RAM and 12 Mb swap space (permanent or temporary virtual memory) 
  • Windows version 3.x (also runs under Windows 95/98 and Windows NT 4.0) 
  • Display 640 x 480 (or higher) resolution Video Graphics Adapter (VGA) 
  • A Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device

  • ARCVIEW 3.0 or higher to run the graphical interface


  • SPEXAN and related software as executable code
  • User manual for SPEXAN version 3.1 as Word .doc file
  • Worked example for the Northern Sierra Nevada ecoregion as Word .doc file, SPEXAN-ready data files, and ARC coverages
  • ARC AMLs to create two input data sets from your coverages